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About the conference

Manhattan College’s Instructional Design & Delivery National Conference
IDD2016 | June 29- July 2, 2016
Riverdale, New York.

This year’s topic: Are we There Yet? Digital Tools in the 21st century

Are we there yet? Have the innovations made the teaching and learning kaleidoscope  a better place? Has education caught up with business? What does business have to offer pedagogically that can be adapted for the N-12 classroom?

How do we as an educational community continue to thrive in this rapidly changing learning environment?  It’s how we respond to, revolve around, and guide student innovation and engagement. While embracing emerging tech, rethinking learning management systems, or deploying blended classrooms, there need to be continual meeting spaces for academic leaders, faculty, teachers, and entrepreneurs to come together to ensure that our pedagogies communicate, are progressive, and continually beg the question of effectiveness.

Advancing the discussion of Instructional Design and Delivery requires continuous visionary leadership from all disciplines. Together we will challenge our teaching and learning paradigms, reimagine the learning experience, and challenge ourselves to adapt and explore the innovative classroom of tomorrow.

At IDD2016, we will engage participants with hands-on workshops aimed at fostering organic interactions and collaborative cross-disciplinary problem solving. Our sessions will explore emerging technologies and adapted teaching behaviors designed to inform policy, inspire new leadership, and develop a partnership driven practice at all levels impacting business, and N-12 education.
This is the first conference of its type to combine business and N-16 educators to think how we travel together in the learning space. Join us!

Call for Papers and Registration are open.

This conference can account for a 3-credit course for you. Contact us for details.
Click here to submit a paper | Click here to attend
Contact bushell@manhattan.edu for more information